Don't lose potential leads to a poor workflow
Lead Generation Audits
New Client Onboarding
Automation Audits
Review funnel steps to ensure all links are working, opt-ins are arriving in the correct EMS/CRM, and product is being delivered.
Review new client onboarding process to minimize manual involvement and delays.
Review automation to ensure all sequences are working and clients are being sent through correct nurturing sequences.
Workflow Testing
Integration Suggestion
Software Review
Test entire workflow from beginning to end to minimize manual involvement and reduce potential delays.
Review manual process to determine if implication of API programs can better automate the systems.
Review software to determine if alternative programs are better suited to meet your needs.
Why Audit Your Workflow?

Optimizing your workflow is essential to reduce potential sign-up losses due to frustration, confusion, and/or delays. By reviewing your workflow from beginning to end, we are able to find glitches in the workflow, areas where consolidation can happen, potential software substitutions for better automation, unnecessary steps, or steps that need to be included to minimize difficulty. 
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